Store Execution

3 Tips For Ensuring Good Customer Experience In-store

June 5, 2023 in Field Managing in Retail, Retail Trends, Store Execution

In 2023, retailers have one key priority – creating a good in-store customer experience. In today’s blog, we will discuss three areas of retail that will make your stores the best place to visit while shopping.  

1. Staff Training and Development.  

First and foremost, your associates need to know your products like the back of their hands. Not only will it enhance the customer experience, but it can help add a personal touch.  

52% of retailers said personalized service was one of the essential elements for driving customer loyalty. This demonstrates that you care and helps spark an emotional bond with your brand.  

Ultimately, customers want to learn something new! Educate them on what is best for their needs and how your product is better.  

To establish this in your stores, you must properly train your associates and ensure the right members are on the shop floor at the right time. 

2. Frictionless Shopping. 

Your customers love convenience. It is essential to find a way to merge all of your channels.   

Retailers can achieve this by combining their point-of-sale, inventory management, and customer service platforms. 

Develop a proper backend to facilitate all your channels. Doing so will help streamline your customer experience and allow for frictionless shopping.  

To learn more about frictionless shopping and unified retail, click here. 

3. Brand Experience and In-store Technology.  

As the world continues integrating new technology into society, retail does so on the shop floor.  

Brands are starting to implement new technologies into their stores. They aim to elevate the brand experience, and we see positive reactions.  

Here are some examples of this!  

AR or Smart Mirrors create a fun and engaging environment in the buyer’s journey. Consumers have never experienced something like this before, so it’s exciting for them. 

Frictionless Checkouts allow for higher conversions and add to the goal of enabling a seamless shopping experience for your customers. All they will have to do is grab their item and go! The only thing to remember is finding new ways to protect from theft.  

Retail Operations Software allows retailers to manage day-to-day retailing by automating scheduling, tasking, communication, collaboration, real-time store performance analysis, and connecting with leaders for quick coaching. 

These are only a few examples, but they will elevate your in-store experience. Look into ways you can leverage emerging technologies to make you improve your brand at the in-store level.  

The brick-and-mortar store remains your customers’ #1 brand touchpoint. Customers want to experience what your brand can offer them. By focusing on training, new technology, and combining your channels into one, you will be right on track for creating a good customer experience and sore past the battle of inflation. 

by Michael Foster

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