Martin Thibodeau Talks About His Technology Vision for Laura Canada
Advantage Magazine features Martin Thibodeau, speaking on the subject of “fine-tuning [Laura]’s technology vision, bringing it data-driven results and improving its distribution system.”
Martin Thibodeau, VP of IT and Distribution Logistics at Laura Canada, has been a long-time partner and advocate of StoreForce’s. Over the years, Martin and StoreForce have worked together on a total of three implementations at separate retailers. It has been a pleasure to work with Martin, and on behalf of the entire StoreForce Team, we wish to congratulate him on his mention in Advantage Magazine.
An excerpt from the Advantage article: Getting in Shipping Shape:
“When I joined the company, getting the sales figures on a timely basis was a challenge, and store associates’ scheduling was a little liberal. The numbers were often inaccurate and outdated. I knew of the StoreForce solution from having implemented it for two other major retailers operating in Canada [and knew it] would address these issues. We were killing two birds with one stone. They offer a store-associates scheduling tool that is driven from sales and store-traffic patterns that is totally mobile. Getting the Fisher family to buy into it was easy. I brought the president of StoreForce in for a demo, and right there and then, Mr. Fisher decided on a pilot.”
Read the full article on Advantage’s website by clicking here.
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